PERFECT Cookie Dough!

One day just mixing up some ingredients and tataaa, perfect cookie dough! Not only does it look like cookies but it has the same consistency and flavor, too!! Try it out, it's so lovely! You can mix whatever ingredients you like in it to make it your favorite cookie! :-)


golden flaxseed, ground to flour
3 squashes, peeled
3 tablespoons coconut oil
3 1/2 tablespoons raw honey (I used 2 1/2 tbsps of golden honey and 1 tbsp of white honey)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon


Peel squashes, and put in a bowl, set aside. Grind golden flaxseed in food processor to flour and add to blended squashes. There is no particular amount asked for with the golden flaxseeds - keep adding to the blended squashes, it will thicken quickly, until you have your desired dough consistency.
Now add the coconut oil, raw honey, vanilla and cinnamon.
Should the dough become too thick because of too much flaxseed, just add water. If it's too runny, add more ground golden flaxseed.

(Add ingredients of your choice, if you like.)

Put the dough in dollops on dehydrator sheets and dehydrate to desired cookie consistency.

Enjoy! :-)


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